Purim Megillah Resources

Full Megillah Reading

By Rabbi Haim Ovadia in the Babylonian tradition


Megillah Reading Tutorial

Rabbi Haim Ovadia shares how to read Megilat Esther according to the Babylonian tradition. This video includes:

  1. Tutorial of the te'amim (cantillation marks)

  2. Reading of the first chapter of the Megillah in full

  3. Select verses that require special treatment throughout the Megillah


Te’amim (Cantillation Marks) According to the Sephardic/Mizrahi Traditions

To hear how these marks are read in the Babylonian tradition, see the tutorial video above.



Full Text of Megilat Esther

With Niqud (Vowels) and Te’amim (Cantillation Marks)